Let us boost your flexible workforce

There is fluctuation in your sales market. You don’t want risk in your occupation. That’s choosing a permanent flex shell wise. Zelda People analyzes and organizes your flex needs across seasons. An acceptable rate we also match, and you are rid of a lot of hassle. Nice focus on your core market, customers and regular crew.

Why work with Zelda People?


Zelda People identifies with your quantitative and qualitative hiring needs. We are going to understand your needs and avoid as many staffing bottlenecks as possible. Continuous monitoring and regular evaluation is a natural part of it. We take care of it. Think we’re cool.


Successful approaches in other sectors we share with you if we expect benefits. Cost prices and rates can be negotiable. Of course, Zelda People also has to do risk management; you know exactly what it will cost you. That’s how open and honest we are to agency workers.


Even interceders need a healthy night’s sleep, but we are available for trouble-shooting outside of that. Just add on from our extensive fleet, or bring in another crew extra when things suddenly get busier. Flexible is
part of our identity.

For temporary and flexible support

We are available to our employers 24 hours a day to support them as a partner in attracting flexible workers they can rely on. Clear communication, transparency and personal attention are central to this.

What can you expect from Zelda?
Zelda offers permanent contacts for you as an employer and for our employees. We are happy to meet with you personally to identify your flex worker needs and requirements. We work with migrant workers from all over Europe and speak to your flexible workers in their native language ensuring clear communication.

We are happy to help you

What our customers think

We offer international solutions for your
flexible staffing demand

Turgay Arslan

Employer Account Manager